Yang Sheng / Nourishing Life

One of the most important things we can accomplish in our lives is developing an understanding of the world around us and how we fit into it.  This course provides you with insights into the rhythmns of nature and how you can align yourself with these rhythms for greater health, longevity and happiness. 

You will learn practical, easy to integrate tips, such as Chinese dietary therapy recipes, daoyin exercises (traditional Chinese yoga), acupressure, sleep hygiene, and the uses of herbs.  This will all be tied together with much discussion relative to the movement of the sun and moon, seasonal changes, and how we can use this to connect more deeply with nature and improve our lives.

China's traditional Nourishing Life Arts is a passionate endeavor for many.  Jake has been studying with masters of these arts from China and Taiwan since he was a teenager.  He has now systematized everything he's learned into an easy to understand multi-class format that will give you the skills to enhance your vitality, and improve your life physically, mentally, and spiritually.  

Yang Sheng is the most valuable branch of Chinese Medicine, and Jake offers local study opportunities so you may access the deep wellspring of wisdom too.

Classes are 1 hour in length and held once per week over 4 consecutive weeks.  
$20 per person.  A maximum of 10 participants may join each training course.